From Director's Desk
The aim of C.I.S. is to make an opening for the student to enter the educational line NOT just to give the knowledge of figures and letters BUT ALSO to develop the students into a good citizen.
The School stands for academic excellence development of skill and character formation based on the love of God and the service of man with a view of train citizen remarkable for all round development and sincere commitment to God and country. It belives that sound moral, physical, cultural, ethical, social intellectual training is a important as academic value in preparing students for their role of life. English is the medium of instruction, communication and examination in this school.

However Hindi is taught as being mother language & National Language. It is co-education school. Classes are from Nursery and onward as required and possibilities. The objective of this inst. is education of whole person. Hence right from the beginning it gears at an integral formation of the young who in turn will build up nation in justice and truth and dignity of each individual person.

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
We are what our thoughts have made us. So take care about what you think. Words are secondary, thoughts live, they travel far.