The Calvary Ideal School aims to be:

  • A learning learning organization
  • Focusing ocusing on achievement for every learner learner. Promoting lifelong learning learning for students
  • Setting clear targets for every learner learner in a spirit of continuous  improvement
  • Maximizing  results at all levels by enabling good teaching.
  • Providing a purposeful education in preparation for life.
  • Recognizing and celebrating achievements for all learners.
  • Enabling children to develop their academic, emotional and physical potential at an appropriate place. 
  • Developing in each child and enquiring mind and encouraging love for learning for his/her good future. 

A Caring and Supportive Community:

  • The values and challenges for each individual.

  • That encourages mutual respect and courtesy.

  • That has high expectations and positive attitudes to learning behavior, the school and the environment.

  • That allows the fullest possible development of everyone’s intellectual, social, moral and personal potential.

  • With a positive culture and an ethos that recognizes and celebrates diversity.

  • That ensures that students grow up to lead safe, happy, healthy and successful lives.

An Effective Learning Learning Environment :

  • With firm, purpose purposeful leadership empowering others to achieve and participate.

  • That has clear, fair and consistent discipline.

  • That has a comprehensive and shared improvement plan.

  • With sound management and good communications at all levels.

  • That has high quality quality resources and an attractive working environment which promotes
    ownership and pride.

  • That uses technology to raise academic achievement and promote a technological, enterprising and vocational culture

A Popular School :

  • Where students want to come and staff want to work.

  • Where parents choose to send their children

  • In a community that supports and benefits from the work taking place.

  • With a confident and supportive governing body